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Interview with Naomi Osaka

Interview with Naomi Osaka

Interviewer: Naomi, congratulations on your recent win at the Australian Open! How does it feel to be back on top?

Naomi Osaka: Thank you! It feels amazing. I’ve worked really hard to get back to this point, and it’s incredibly rewarding.

Interviewer: How did you prepare mentally and physically for this tournament?

Naomi Osaka: I focused a lot on my mental health and took time to reflect and relax. Physically, it was about maintaining a rigorous training schedule and staying fit.

Interviewer: What are your goals for the rest of the year?

Naomi Osaka: My main goal is to stay healthy and continue enjoying the game. I also want to inspire others through my platform and advocacy.

Interviewer: Any advice for young tennis players looking up to you?

Naomi Osaka: Stay true to yourself and your passions. Hard work and dedication are essential, but always remember to take care of your mental health.

Interviewer: Thank you, Naomi. Best of luck moving forward!

Naomi Osaka: Thank you! It’s been a pleasure.